Non-associative learning is a change in a response to a stimulus that does not involve associating the presented stimulus with another stimulus or event such as reward or punishment. An example is where a dog that reacts excitedly to a door bell is subjected to repeated ringing without accompanying visitors, and stops reacting to the meaningless stimuli. Some dogs’ reactions to the stimuli become stronger instead of them habituating to the repeated stimuli or event. Desensitization is the process of pairing positive experiences with an object, person, or situation that causes fear or anxiety. Consistent exposure to the feared object in conjunction with rewards allows the animal to become less stressed, thereby becoming desensitized in the process.
This may slow down the potty-training process and should be avoided if possible. Punishment is operationally defined as an event that lowers the probability of the behavior that it follows. It is not “punishment” in the common sense of the word, and does not mean physical or psychological harm and most certainly does not mean abuse. A behavior that has previously been developed may cease if reinforcement stops; this is called extinction. A dog that paws its owner for attention will eventually stop if it no longer receives attention. The best dog training collar for your dog depends on the behavior you’re trying to train for and correct. E-collars can be successful training tools for dogs, but they should only be used to reinforce commands a dog already knows.
Recognize When Your Dog Needs to Go Out
Your job as your dog’s caretaker is to serve as his guidance counselor to the human world. Teach him what he can and can’t do in your home or in public. But teach him all this knowing that much of what you’ll need to ask him to do is at odds with his natural instincts and not always easy.
Adaptive learning is how well your dog learns from their surroundings and the environment around them to solve problems. Working and obedience are how well they learn the tasks and commands that you teach them.
Easy Dog Obedience & Puppy Training
Read more about Dog Walking in Durham here.
Once your dog has mastered these dog obedience basics, you can move on to fun tricks and advanced commands. If you’re interested in skills training, or basic manners, such as teaching your dog to sit, stay and lie down, that’s the realm of a dog trainer. If your dog has a behavior problem — anxiety, aggressiveness, fearfulness — then what you need is a dog behavioral consultant, like Brianna Dick of Pack Leader Help.
Read more about Raleigh Puppy Training here.